Been busy little tykes here at the house of madness this past week, bike shows, road trips, thinking bout stuff to buy, buying stuff. We cleaned out part of the dungeon today to make room for inmate Jon's bike and picked up a new 2nd hand tank to put on it. So its only fitting to take a few snaps of it while its still shiny and straight. 34 years old and still original paint, I know I wasn't that smooth at that age.
Whats going on here then?
and one of my babies came from them (added 03/11/10)

Sunday the 30th of October marks 365 days and the finish of this blog. It will be time to hand over a small amount of money to a cause that needs so much more and I hope anyone finding this site will help in anyway they can. I have had so much fun doing this blog and at the same time so much stress in coming up with ideas, For the last few days I have left I will revisit some of my earlier pictures for an update or maybe need a little nudge in the right direction.
To all those who came back time and time again I thank you, to Google for removing the Ad links and the small amount of money raised; I blow you a raspberry and think you were mean and unapproachable.
Love to you all Oscar the Fox.
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